Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This was the first year Ripley went Trick or Treating and she had a blast! She got the hang of it really quick and had so much fun walking from door to door with with her bucket of candy. She was non-stop smiles, it was awesome to watch. Here are a few pics below, Matt and I made her costume. And to think, I don't even know how to sew!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jumping for Joy!

Today we got wonderful news in the mail. National City Bank, our second mortgage company, has decided to release the loan we owe them from the sale of our FL home. This is HUGE for us. We no longer owe money on a house we don't own, not to mention on a house we already lost a lot of money on! I cried out of pure happiness after I read the letter. It's finally over. Yippee!!

Pumpkin Patch Time

Well, it's officially Fall (has been for a while) and we're loving it. Maryland is such a beautiful state, I will definitely be encouraging people to visit next year in October, I just can't get over it! All the trees and hills and colors, it's amazing. So far we've been to a couple farms with pumpkin patches and activities for children. Ripley's had a lot of fun, as you can see from some of these pic's.