Sunday, January 13, 2008

A date...a REAL date!

On Saturday night Matt and I went out without Ripley, on an actual date! This was the second time we've been out on a date since she was born and she is about to be 9 months old. How sad is that!? This is one of those downsides of not living close to family. We're hoping as she gets older and we meet more people in the area, our baby-sitter options will start to increase (let's hope so anyway, for the sake of our sanity!).

So I know you are dying to know what we did and who made our date happen, so I'll go ahead and end the suspense. We went to see a movie at the Alamo Drafthouse, which is a theater very close to our house which has a full menu of food & drinks (a wide beer selection & even margarita's) for you to enjoy while you sit back and watch a movie. For those of you familiar with the Brew N View in Chicago, it's even better than that, because you don't need to leave your seat, servers come to you instead! You write down your order on a piece of paper so there's not a bunch of talking involved and the server comes around and fills your request. It's a great way to enjoy a movie! Especially when it's the first movie you've seen in a theater since your baby was born!

We saw I Am Legend with Will Smith. I didn't realize how scary it would be - not monster type scary, but jumpy type scary. I screamed more than once and grabbed onto Matt while in the theater, thankfully it was very loud so only the guy next to me probably heard. There were a few parts of the movie that didn't make complete sense, but if you overlook those I would say it was a pretty good movie. Great to see in the theater. Kinda similar to the movie 28 Days (similar plot), but not creepy & gruesome like that and shot different too. 28 Days is definitely a better film, so don't think I am saying the 2 are on the same playing field, just trying to give you an idea of what the movie is like. If you see both films, I think you'll understand what I'm trying to say, otherwise I probably don't make much sense. ; )

So we had a great time on our date, it felt so GOOD to get out without the baby and feel like real adults. It was much needed. And our friend Megan is the one who made it all possible. So a big THANK YOU to her for offering to take care of Ripley for us and to Jason who kept her company while doing so. You both ROCK!!!

Jason & Megan "rocking" it out.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

TV Talk

I have to rave about my favorite tv shows these days.
So let me know if you watch these and share my enthusiasm!

1) The Office - I started watching this series late in the game, so I'm currently watching the earlier seasons on dvd, plus watching the current ones on TV. This show makes me laugh so hard I'm in tears! The characters are hilarious. It's one of those shows that makes you embarrassed for the characters, so I could see how some might not be into it, but has me laughing all the time. Dwight and Michael are probably the funniest, but I have to say I definitely have a crush on Jim (Matt knows this and in return tells me he's into Pam). 2) Project Runway - "Either you're in or you're OUT!" Matt hates reality TV, but this show he'll actually watch with me (shhhh). We love seeing the designs they come up with and I love the personalities and drama, of course! As for this season....our favorites are Victorya and Rami for their designs. As for personality, well Christian is entertaining to me, of course Matt can't stand him. And we both are soooo sick of Ricky crying!!! I believe he's cried in EVERY episode. I can't wait until his final cry when they vote him off. And who just doesn't love Tim Gunn? I heard he wasn't going to be on this season due to his new show, but it looks like that was false info. "Make it work people".

3) Jon & Kate Plus 8 - This show might not be very well known, so here's the scoop... Jon & Kate are the parents and the "8", well that stands for their children, all EIGHT of them! This couple had trouble getting pregnant and decided to go the fertility drug route and had twin girls. Then, three years later they decided to have "one" more and ended up with SIX more instead! 3 girls & 3 boys. The show is about the craziness of their lives with having 8 kids and I just can't get enough of it. I love watching the kids interacting with each other and I love watching Jon & Kate dealing with all the mayhem. All the screaming and fighting (the sextuplets are 3 yrs old) is hectic and may be enough for people to turn off the tv, but I love it. Plus, it makes me realize how easy I have it, just having one! So incase you wanna check it out, its on TLC on Monday nights. As you probably guessed from the description, you either have to be a Mom to appreciate this show or really like kids.

And coming back soon.....LOST, can't wait! Though the show has had its ups and downs, I'm still hanging on and interested for what's next. Matt, on the other hand has given up after the 2nd season, so I'm on my own with this one.

Baby Contest

AND THE WINNER IS......PICTURE #1 without a doubt, EVERYONE picked that picture! Thanks to everyone who played along and voted, some people we're able to submit their vote on my blog, but sent me an email instead. I'll be sure to keep you posted if I get any calls from Regis or Kelly : )

My Dad called me this morning telling me about a baby contest I should enter Ripley in to try and win 125k towards her college education, so I figured....why not? But I need your help choosing the picture I should submit, cause you can only send in one! And....I need to submit it TONIGHT. So please vote for your favorite picture below by clicking on "Comments". When voting, keep in mind it looks like they are cropping the pictures to mainly only display the face, so I don't think the body of her will be shown (if that helps you pick).

L) Picure #1 R) Picture #2

L) Picture #3 (I will fix the red eye on this one) R) Picture #4