Monday, March 26, 2007

Baby #1

I recently realized how I have no pictures of Amingo, our baby of the moment. As most of you know, Matt's had him since he was a pup and he is now about 14 years old. When I first got introduced to him, he wanted nothing to do with me. It took about 3 months for me to "break" him and after that, it was over - I was Momma! He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Yes, he loves to bark at strangers and can definitely be annoying when guests are over, but hey, people are annoying too! :) We love him!

Friday, March 16, 2007

We finally made a decision....

After much discussion and feedback, we decided to deliver Baby Demaray at Winter Park FL Hospital. It was a close one folks! We were all set on delivering at Winnie, the new hospital with all the fancy extras, until I heard yet another story about a woman being in labor and being stuck in the triage area, waiting for a room to open up. I met her at a restaurant just 2 days before I had to give my doctor my decision. She had her baby 8 wks ago and said if I had a choice, to go with Winter Park, then she went on to tell me how unhappy she was with Winnie.

So it's decided, Winter Park it is!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pillow Talk

Over the weekend Matt and I put together the crib, very exciting! Unfortunately, the crib bumper doesn't work with our crib (couldn't tie it due to the slats going solild up top), so as you can imagine, I was a little disappointed ;), but it still looks great. Matt also finished staining the dresser, which turned out really nice. More pictures to follow as our progress continues.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Name that gender!

Ok, so everyone knows we decided to wait to find out the sex of the baby until the baby decides to bless us with his or her presence, right? Well when you do this, a few things happen. 1) your family & friends get mad at you, because THEY want to know the sex. And 2) everyone decides to guess on what sex the baby is. Which is kinda fun. For most of my pregnancy, most people have been saying it's a girl. Now I'm not sure if this is because they want it to be a girl (Ryan, Lauren, Nicole) or if people just really think I'm having a girl. Most of my work friends seemed to think girl. Not many are saying boy, except now I'm starting to say boy, just because no one else is!

After seeing my recent pictures, Lauren says she thinks her guess of a girl is right because of the way I'm carrying. But now Nicole (sister in law) is saying after seeing the pictures she may think boy. So who is right? And does the way you're carrying the baby really have any inkling to what you will have? I decided to do some research on the internet to get more info. Although, it ruins alot of the fun out of it, it seems that most of the predictions for telling the baby's gender are actually myths. But let's play along anyway, shall we?

Myth #1: If you carry the baby high, it's a girl and if low, it's a boy. ME: I think I am carrying a little on the low side.

Myth #2: One site said if you're carrying the weight in front & your belly looks like a basketball, boy. But if you carrying the weight in the rear & hips and your belly looks more like a watermelon, then girl. ME: I think I'm more like the first, the basketball.

Myth #3: If the baby's heartbeat is above 140, it's a girl. Below 140, boy. Me: For most of my pregnancy the baby's heartbeat has been high 160-150. Last time it was checked, it was low 140's.

Myth #4: If you crave sweets, girl. If you crave salty foods, boy. Me: I definitely have a much bigger sweet tooth now that I'm pregnant.

Myth #5: Morning sickness early in pregnancy means girl. No morning sickness, boy. ME: No morning sickness.

Myth #6: This one is wacky, but stay with me. You add your age at the time of conception (31) and the number for the month you conceived (8) and the sum is an even number, that means boy. Odd number means girl. ME: Do the math, I'm odd.

Ok, so after playing the "myth" game, it looks like things are still unclear. Just like all the ultrasounds I've had! So now it's your turn to play. Click on the word "comment" under this post and let me know what your prediction is. No voting twice : )

Mom & Baby

Here's a recent picture of Lauren and Evan. How precious are they? I still can't believe Lauren's a MOM!!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Baby Shower No. 2

My friends Danielle & Veronique threw a baby shower for me at their house on Saturday. It was a really great shower. Everyone had a lot of fun and I got a lot of nice gifts for the baby. Ryan came up from Naples and our friend Grace came in from Jacksonville. Most of the other ladies who came were from my work. Everyone was so thoughtful. And a special thanks to V & Danielle for hosting, thanks Ladies!!

Above: Friends from work - all 3 of us pregnant. Lea is on the left (due Sept. 11) & Cathleen on right (due May 15).