Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Little Evan

Evan is 5 months old now. He has gotten so big! I only got the chance to see him once when he was just 2 weeks old, but at the end of June he's taking his first big trip to Florida to visit Aunt Kat and his future wife, Ripley....YAY!

Monday, May 21, 2007


For all you Lost fans out there...tonight is the season finale! Unfortunately, I can't discuss the show with Matt anymore, since after season 2 he quit the show. I understood his frustration, since I too felt the show started to take a turn for the worse, but I just couldn't quit cold turkey. I stuck with it and now I'm glad I did. It definitely has gotten better.

When we first started to watch the show, it was from the DVD collection, since we got into it late. So once we started to watch the shows on TV it pretty much sucked with all the commercials. Can you believe how many commercials that show runs? And of course right after something big happens. It's frustrating (another reason Matt quit the show). Thankfully we have DV-R (like Tivo thru our cable company), so I never watch the show "live" and always watch it taped and then I'm able to fast fwd all the commercials. What a great invention, I tell ya!

So tonight is the big night. I'm so glad they ran that re-cap episode, because there was sooo much I forgot about. It seems like they are definitely not going to get off the island, otherwise the show would be over, but I am sure there will be a lot of twists & turns. And hopefully it will not disappoint. I would love to re-hash the show and give you my thoughts on what will happen, but there is no time for that since Ripley will be waking up any minute. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ripley Loves Daddy...

She also loves this vibrating rocker/chair...

Ripley & Red

Ripley has a new friend. Her name is "Red" from the HBO series "Fraggle Rock" which aired in the mid to late 80's. Anyone watch that show?? Uncle Ryan bought her this doll. These pictures crack me up.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Notes from the Underbelly

Does anyone watch this show? I know Lauren does and possibly Michelle?? It might not appeal to all audiences, since the show is about couples in their 30's having kids, but if that grabs your attention at all, I highly suggest checking out the show. Funny stuff. It's on Wednesday nights on ABC. Check it out, if you can.

Our Big Trip Out

We've hit a milestone....Ripley and I ventured out yesterday, just the 2 of us! We went to the grocery store & blockbuster (they're right next to eachother). It was crazy, I felt like I was walking around with a time bomb that could go off at any minute. Thankfully, my list was short and we made it in & out without any explosion. She slept the entire time. I was a nervous wreck, SIGH.

It felt sooo good to be able to get out of the house with her, but at the same time scary too. I mean, what if she cried? Would we be shunned out of Publix (our grocery store)? A place that I have grown to know & love where the checkout people know me by name. We did run into a couple who wanted to look at the "new baby", but thankfully they did not touch her, otherwise it could have gotten ugly.

Stay tuned for our next adventure out, who knows, we may take a risk and go further than 5 minutes away from home. Just maybe.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

One Month...

Ripley is one month old today. Wow, how the time has passed! Such a blur. Matt goes back to work tomorrow, which means I'll be flying solo during the day with Ripley. A scary thought! So I thought I would put a little list together below.

Things we've learned about taking care of a newborn in the past month:

1) Don't wake a sleeping baby. Even if she looks so tiny & cute laying there in her bassinet that you become over-whelmed with love and just have to hold her at that very moment. I'm telling you now, resist the urge. If she wanted to be held, she would have let you known.

2) When changing her diaper, have a diaper underneath at all times, because often she likes to pee and most of the time this happens on the new clean diaper you just put underneath her bum (or worse, all over her onsie). Ripley loves to do this to Mommy. How come she can't she do this to the dirty diaper?

3) Yellow mustard seedy poop is a good thing.

4) When taking your babies' temp in the bum, always remember this procedure may induce her to poop all over you, so again have a diaper underneath ready to catch her little gift to you.

5) Rethink taking your baby for her first walk in the stroller on a sunny day. She will not like this one bit and will force you to turn around and go back inside just after leaving the driveway. Better luck in the evening!

6) Music is key. Play it often. I recommend the following: Norah Jones, Dixie Chicks, Mary J. Blige, Dave Matthews & some classical tunes.

7) Coffee is your best friend.

8) White noise also helps. The hair dryer can be a lifesavor. Or get yourself a sound machine, it's more convenient, portable & you don't have to hold it at 3 in the morning while sweating.

9) A smile in the first weeks usually means poop or gas, but it still melts your heart.

10 ) Taking care of a newborn is one of the hardest things I've done and at the same time, one of the best things. Ripley is perfect. We are truly blessed.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

So much love for the Slow Cooker...

Matt & I got a slow cooker as a gift for our wedding, I believe I registered for it, but up until about a week ago, we never used it. I kept saying we should start using it and wanted to get a cookbook for it, but just never did until last week when Matt's Mom was here. During her stay, the 3 of us went thru the book and picked out 2 recipes to make while she was here. Both turned out amazing! Matt suggested we throw out our stove.

It's so easy, which is key now that little Ripley is here. I know many of you are probably already aware of the power of the crockpot, I realize I'm a little late on this, but maybe you're in need for some new recipes. If so, the book is by Sandra Lee and called Semi-homemade Slow Cooker Recipes. So far our favorite recipe has been the Cranberry BBQ Pulled Pork (page 55), good stuff!

Happy Mother's Day!

Wow, today is my first Mother's Day. It feels so surreal. I'm a Mom and celebrating Mother's day, crazy stuff! This weekend Ryan came to visit and last night Matt took me out to dinner for Mother's Day while Ryan took care of Ripley. It was great for the 2 of us to be able to get out like that, since we haven't had a chance to do so since Ripley was born. Thanks Ryan!

Hope all the Mom's have a wonderful day today!