Monday, May 21, 2007


For all you Lost fans out there...tonight is the season finale! Unfortunately, I can't discuss the show with Matt anymore, since after season 2 he quit the show. I understood his frustration, since I too felt the show started to take a turn for the worse, but I just couldn't quit cold turkey. I stuck with it and now I'm glad I did. It definitely has gotten better.

When we first started to watch the show, it was from the DVD collection, since we got into it late. So once we started to watch the shows on TV it pretty much sucked with all the commercials. Can you believe how many commercials that show runs? And of course right after something big happens. It's frustrating (another reason Matt quit the show). Thankfully we have DV-R (like Tivo thru our cable company), so I never watch the show "live" and always watch it taped and then I'm able to fast fwd all the commercials. What a great invention, I tell ya!

So tonight is the big night. I'm so glad they ran that re-cap episode, because there was sooo much I forgot about. It seems like they are definitely not going to get off the island, otherwise the show would be over, but I am sure there will be a lot of twists & turns. And hopefully it will not disappoint. I would love to re-hash the show and give you my thoughts on what will happen, but there is no time for that since Ripley will be waking up any minute. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Mrs. Beebee Longweek said...

So...I'm still scratching my head about the finale. I feel Matt's pain...I've wanted to quit so many times but it always sucks me back in. I'm all about the DVR too; there's a commerical on that show every five minutes!