Thursday, March 19, 2009

25 Random Things About Myself....

If you have a Facebook account, you will be familiar with this, but for those of you who don't, I thought I would share. Facebook started this chain type message, that really seemed to take off. The instructions were to write a list of 25 random things about yourself and pass it around, then others would do the same about themselves. So here's mine, for those who don't have FB:

1. I'm a strong believer in "everything happens for a reason".
2. I love to laugh and am happy my husband makes me do so on a daily basis.
3. Being a Mom is the best "job" I've ever had. I feel very fortunate I'm able to stay at home with Ripley, eventhough it can by difficult at times.
4. I love that we moved away from Chicago and have experienced other places to live, but would like to return to Chicago later in life.
5. I miss our Florida house. I miss my Florida friends, but do not actually miss Florida.
6. Living in Austin, TX for 6 months was way too short, I would like to return there at some point.
7. My Mom died 3 years ago and it makes me sad that she has never met Ripley or seen me as Mom.
8. I am happy to say, unlike other married Moms I know, I do not feel like a single parent. Matt helps out all the time with Ripley. It's a huge help, he's a great Dad.
9. My birth name is Kathleen, this is what I introduce myself as and its what my family calls me. Matt only refers to me as Kat. And to friends, I go by both names.
10. I am afraid of hospitals, needles and blood.
11. I think people do not take marriage as serious as they should and often marry for the wrong reasons. I am happy I waited until later in life to marry the right person for the right reasons.
12. I watch too much television.
13. I LOVE cheese!! All types, the sharper, the better.
14. My favorite drink is a Kettle One vodka martini, extra dirty with blue cheese stuffed olives. YUM!
15. I am not a morning person and can be pretty unfriendly until coffee is made, at least to my husband.
16. I would like to volunteer my time this year, probably doing something with kids.
17. I do not like to clean and because of this, I often wish my house was cleaner than it is.
18. I am a procrastinator.
19. I like really HOT showers, especially after a good workout.
20. I am a very social & outgoing person. I cannot be stuck in the house for long or I will go nutty.
21. I have met or seen the following celebs in random public places: Madonna, John Cusack, David Schwimmer, PINK, Carey Hart, Forrest Whitaker, Bono, Tony Hawk, Sal Masekela (if you consider him a celeb)
22. My brother Ryan is gay. We are best friends and I am happy he is out and my family is supportive.
23. I wish we lived close to family. Its hard not being able to share Ripley with our loved ones.
24. I am a dog lover and can easily spend an hour or 2 at a dog park, just watching the dogs play.
25. When I was about 5, I broke my arm playing Wonder Woman and Super Man with my brother Marty. He instructed me to jump off the couch, over the coffee table and into his arms. I managed to make the jump, over the coffee table and into his arms, but he failed to make the catch and instead fell on top of me.