Tuesday, July 31, 2007

R is for RIPLEY

Here are a few pic's of the letters we made to hang in Ripley's nursery. Instead of buying them, Matt picked a different font and cut them out himself. His Dad helped him sand them and I picked out the colors and helped with the pattern. They turned out great!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Another Great Visit

Matt's Dad & Pam came to visit after Lauren was here. We had such a great time together, I was sad to see them go. Ripley absolutely loved Grandpa Russ & Grandma Pam! She kept laughing & smiling and doing her baby talk to them, it was adorable. During their visit Matt & Russ worked on their "projects" as usual. This time it was attaching a gutter to the front of our house, just a small one to keep the rain from splashing all over our front walk way. I think it took about 18 trips to Home Depot until they finally finished the project. Why does that always happen? You never get everything you need in just one trip. Such a scam. So needless to say, the gutter looks awesome - very professional. They did a great job. Now we're just waiting to see it in action - no rain since they left.

Another project they worked on is cutting out the letters of Ripley's name. I've been wanting to make her name out of wood and paint the letters to hang up in her room. We decided to do them on our own, rather than buy the letters already made. Matt picked out a font and cut them out himself and Russ helped him sand them. Now we're in the painting phase, so I'll be sure to post some pics of those when they're done.
Ok, what else? We talked a lot about our dreadful lawn and how to improve it with Pam since she's an expert on that stuff. Question: Why must the lawn here be so high maintenance? And why did we buy a house with such a big yard? Ugh! So Pam helped us out by filling up 2 pots we bought for the front walkway with some flowers that look awesome. Thanks Pam!

So besides the projects, we managed to do some shopping, hit a few restaurants and even go to a botantical garden nearby, which was very cool, but unfortunately our visit was cut short due to rain. So we'll have to go back next time they're in town. Along with going to Cold Stone! : ) Love & miss you both!! xoxo

Thursday, July 05, 2007

So in Love...

Ripley & Evan finally met last week and I believe there might have been a hint of a love connection. More on Evan's part, than on Ripley's, since she's still a little clueless in that department (or is that just an act her Mom taught her?), but I think I caught Evan giving her the googly "I love you" eyes a couple times ; )

Being with Lauren, both of us as Mom's, was such a surreal & fun experience. We had such a great visit. We had Ripley very active too - at the pool (in the shade of course), shopping, eating out - and the best part was, she was soooo good! And guess what? I even breast-fed in public for the first time! Look at me go. Well, don't actually LOOK at me go, but you know what I mean, I've come a long way. That's all I meant. And I'm happy to say, it worked out very well. I'm a pro now. Me & my boobs have been out & about several times since. haha. Hey, the girl's gotta eat!

Ok, so enough about that. Check out the great pic's from Laur's visit. Love & miss you guys!

zzz zz z zzz z

I have wonderful news to share....for the first time ever, Ripley slept a full 8 hours straight! What a beautiful, beautiful thing! And I'm happy to report, since last week she's done it two more times. YAY! I'm so used to only sleeping 3 hours (or less) at a time that I woke up around 3am wondering what was going on. Did I feed her already and was back in bed? If not, was she ok? Apparently, she just needed her beauty sleep and finally for once, her beauty sleep did not consist of only 3 hours : ) Now let's just hope she continues on this path!