Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ripley Update

Ripley will be 2 years old in April, I can't believe it! She is no longer a baby and becoming a little girl practically. GASP! She has a ton of energy, still loves people, is very happy and loves to smile. Oh yeah, and she loves music and likes to dance! If a song stops, she will say "more, more!". She loves to watch music videos or anyone dancing on TV. She says "bye" to everything these days. This morning, I was in bed with my laptop and Matt brought her in, she told us she was hungry and said bye and waved to my laptop. It made us laugh. Her 2 favorite games: 1) chase the dog and take his bed away from him (poor Amingo!) and 2) go to one of the only unlocked cabinets in the kitchen (which has all our cannned goods) and take them out one by one and line them up on the edge of the kitchen table or any table for that matter. She gets so excited to do this, it seems so strange, but hey, if it will keep her entertained for more than 2 minutes, I'm all for it!
Right now we're not involved in any classes at the moment, but we did join a gym (a perk of matt's job), so I've been going to work out and am able to take Ripley with me, since they have childcare. The best part is - she LOVES going! The first time I dropped her off, I wasn't sure how she would react, she definitely tried to leave at first and call for me, but then that was it. I left and when I picked her up, she came running towards me. They said she did really well - no crying. Then the next time I went to pick her up, she was standing around this play kitchen with 2 other little girls, who were all playing with the plastic fake food, it was so cute. She looked up and saw me and all she did was wave and continued to play. She had friends and already wanted nothing to do with Mommy, no fair! Now everytime we pull into the parking lot, she gets excited. It's been such a great thing, for us both. I get a break from Mommy duties and do something good for myself and she gets a break from me and gets to be around other kids in a fun environment. It's a win -win.
We are still very much involved in the MOMS Club in my area. Now that its not warm enough to play outside, we've doing more playdates in each other's homes, trips to the library, breakfast at Panera, etc...everyday there is something schedule on the calendar. Of couse, we don't attend everything, but depending on the time and day, we try and go to 2-3 activities a week. It's been really nice to get to know the Moms in the group and their children. Staying at home, its a must you have a support group and for me, these Ladies are it!Below are some recent pictures taken of Ripley, she's getting so big! She is tall for her age, in the 90 percentile. She obviously gets that from Matt. So now she has his height, eyelashes & feet : ) A few pictures below...this was after it snowed, she was looking out her bedroom window taking it all in.

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