Monday, January 01, 2007

Baby Max & Baby Evan

As most of you know, 2 of my best friends are (or were) pregnant - Lauren (due Dec. 18) and Michelle (due Feb. 18). While we were in Chicago for Christmas I was hoping to witness Lauren give birth, since she was over due, but unfortunately that wasn't the case and Michelle actually ended up delivering her baby first instead!

Her water broke early and she ended up having Maxwell Jaden Liberty on Christmas day, almost 2 months early. Thankfully, both baby and Mom are doing well. Max is still in the hospital right now, but in a few weeks should be coming home.

Now for Lauren...I went with her to her doctor appointment on Wednesday morning, the day Matt and I were leaving and it turns out her doctor wanted her to check into the hospital rigth after her appointment to get induced since her amniotic fluids were low. So I got to check in with her and even tried to change my flight to stick around for the birth, but unfortunately that didn't work out and in the end it was best, because it was a long time before she finally delivered. After a very slow labor she had a c-section on Thursday night, Evan Joseph Convey was born at 6:43 p.m. Baby and Mom are both doing well. I love being an aunt!!

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