Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Baby Shower in Chicago

So, right after we got back from our cruise, the next day I was on a plane off to Chicago for an early baby shower with friends and family. My brother Ryan put the shower together, with a little input from me, of course : ) And it turned out really nice. The restaurant had a great atmosphere, along with the room we were in and the food was great. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Since I couldn't bring back a bunch of gifts on the plane, most people ordered gifts and had them sent to FL for us. So at the shower I opened a lot of gift cards, clothing items and cards that had pictures of the gifts they shipped us. It ended up working out really great. I even managed to fit everything into my suitcase!

While I was there I got to see Evan, Lauren's son for the first time. He was only 2 weeks old, so most of the time I was over visiting, he was sleeping, but it was still awesome to meet the little guy and see Lauren in a whole new light, as a Mommy!

(L) Me and my bro.
(R) Palesa and adorable Amelie (4 months).

(L) The baby tee I'm holding up says "Chicago Baby", I love it!
(R) We have about a million of these pictures together, yet we always seem to take more : )

(L) My cousins, aren't they cute?
(R) My Aunts, I love them dearly!

(L) Me and Nana-to-Be!
(R) Last, but not least....Baby Evan. Just 2 wks old.

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