Sunday, April 29, 2007

2 Weeks

Well, we have managed to survive 2 weeks of newborn madness! People aren't joking when they tell you it's not easy. Thankfully, breastfeeding is going a lot better, so that's a big help. All the technical aspects are working, but I still have to deal with the constant demand of it all. She eats every 2-3 hours, so Mom isn't getting too much done around the house these days! Thankfully Matt has been home with me, I don't know what I would do without him! He's been a lifesavor. He has 2 more weeks off from work, so hopefully I'll have a good handle on things by the time he goes back to work and I'm flying solo with Ripley.
Left - in her new boppy lounger her Aunt Michelle got her. She loves this!
Right - chilling out in her swing. She loves the tropical, Jamaican type music it plays. It makes Mommy want a margarita though!

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