Monday, September 01, 2008

Even more GREEN...

After buying recycle able grocery bags, I started to get the "itch", the green itch! I decided I wanted to become more educated in this whole going green campaign you see every where. So what did I do? I bought a book appropriately titled "The Green Book". Easy enough, right? Well, it turns out, it IS pretty easy. To go green, I mean. This book clues you in to little things you can do in your everyday life to make it better for the environment. Our environment now and our environment for our kids, their kids, and so on.

So you think I'm a tree hugger now, right? Well, no I'm not. To tell you the truth, I haven't even started to recycle yet at our home (I know, I know), but I'm getting the info I need and bins, hopefully soon we'll be in recycle mode. There are other things I'm doing and since they're so easy, I thought I would share a few with you:

1) Turn off the water while you brush your teeth.
2) Don't ask for ATM receipts.
3) Take shorter showers.
4) Unplug cell phone chargers once phone is charged.
5) Recycle.

There are a ton others, but I won't go on and on and check out the book (or any green book for that matter) and start making a change. Even if they're small little changes, cause they make a difference (wow, can I be any cheesier?).

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