Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ripley Update

Ripley will be 18 months old on Oct. 15th, she's a toddler now! We no longer have a "baby" :( Despite being sad she is growing so fast, she is becoming more and more fun! She got a late start on walking, but is managing to get around quite well now. No more crawling. And she is starting to talk more too. Still does a ton of babble which sounds like a completely different language and is fun to imitate, but she's starting to pick up more sounds and words and is FINALLY saying Momma, which took forever, unlike Dadda.

Speaking of Dadda, she is so in love with him, its adorable to watch. How excited she gets when he comes home from work and how often she just wants him to hold her and how she loves to give him hugs & kisses on a regular. Totally cute. She's defintiely becoming a Daddy's girl, which I'm actually OK with. We get to spend so much time together, its nice to see her having such a strong bond with Matt too.

So what else? She's in a music class now, which involves a lot of singing, some movement, playing with instruments, etc...she loves it. And we've become pretty involved with the MOMS club I joined, which is helping us stay busy throughout the week. We do anyhthing from playdates at people's homes, to library visits to hanging at a park. It's been such a great way for us to meet other stay at home moms and children for Ripley to be around. So things are good. Here she is below playing in the grocery store at the library. Doesn't she look so big in these pics!?


Kelly Hutcheson said...

I love your blog!! So nice to watch Ripley grow up!! Thanks for sharing!!

Ryan's Friend, Kelly :)

lizard said...

She's such a big girl!! I miss her! And you, of course. I love that you have her in a music class. That makes Aunt Liz proud - lol.

I can't wait to see her soon! ...and you and Matt, of course :)