Monday, September 01, 2008

Our House is SOLD!!!

Well, I'm excited to report....we finally sold our house in Florida!!!! It only took us 11 months. A house that is in great condition, move-in ready, professionally painted, in a good neighborhood, with a bigger lot than most of the other homes, took us 11 months to sell. What a pain! So stressful dealing with the banks and all the damn paperwork and collection calls, not to mention paying for utilities and the yard to be kept up for a house we don't even live in. As you can imagine, it was a nightmare.

So were obviously super happy and feel like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders, but unfortunately the entire weight hasn't been lifted just yet. We still owe the 2nd mortgage company the remaining portion of their loan. So now we have to deal with that part of this mess, but at least we're moving in the right direction.

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