Friday, December 08, 2006

A Family Visit

Matt's family came to visit from Arizona last week. Nicole (his sister), Russ (his dad) and Pam (dad's girlfriend). They were here for almost a week and we had a great time. We haven't seen Nicole since last time we went to AZ, which was last Christmas and this was the first time she came to FL and saw our house. All of them went to the 2 Universal Parks on a day I had to work, which ended out working well, since I can't ride any of the rides anyway. They said there were no lines and got on all the rides in about 5 minutes, so they had a great time.

While they were here, Nicole and Pam helped me start my baby registry at Babys R Us, which was a huge help. That place is over-whelming for a first time Mom, even with help! I felt over loaded after an hour or 2. At one point I had to say "I'm done!". I still need to add things, but it was a great start. Thanks again, Ladies!

We had our work holiday party over the weekend, so luckily I was able to get Nicole invited, thru a friend of mine who wasn't bringing a date - thanks Andrew! The party turned out to be a hit. Everything went smoothly and people seemed to have a really good time - you figure with a 3 hour open bar, that helps people get in the 'spirit'!

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